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Seki is a young girl from Osaka who has left Japanese shores to come to the United States and live a progressive, Western life.

She works as a sous chef in a Japanese sushi restaurant in New York, where guys keep hitting on her, and leaving her large tips, because they can see her working in the open sushi counter every evening. Seen in popular Asian sex doll video.

“I have large boobs, you see, which is unusual for a Japanese girl, and I make sure to keep my blouse partially open as I work, so men can look deep down my cleavage,” she says. “I just love my C-cup boobs, and cannot help playing with my nipples sometimes, in front of restaurant guests – which totally drives them crazy!”

Seki is showing you her blemish-free body right now, so you can start fantasizing about all the dirty things you will do to it once she is yours. “Damn,” she says. “I can already feel your touch…”

ID de la lista: 5365d4aa0cf91d5d

13 agosto, 2019 12:02 pm

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