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COL Nicholas Young Retires from the United States Army after More than Thirty -Six Years of Distinguished Service to our Nation
2 September 2020
The United States Army War College is pleased to announce the retirement of United States Army War College on September 1, 2020. COL Young’s recent officer evaluation calls him “one of the finest Colonel’s in the United States Army who should be promoted to Brigadier General. COL Young has had a long and distinguished career in the United States Army, culminating in a final assignment as a faculty member at the United States Army War College since 2015. COL Young served until his mandatory retirement date set by federal statue. His long career encompassed just shy of seven years enlisted time before serving for thirty years as a commissioned officer. He first joined the military in 1984, serving as an enlisted soldier in the New Hampshire National Guard before completing a tour of active duty in the U.S, Army Infantry as a non-commissioned officer with the 101st Airborne (Air Assault). He graduated from Officer Candidate School in 1990, was commissioned in the Infantry, and then served as a platoon leader and executive officer in the Massachusetts Army National Guard before assuming as assignment as the executive officer of HHD, 3/18th Infantry in the U.S. Army Reserves. He made a branch transfer to the Medical Service Corps in 1996. COL Young has since served as a health services officer, company executive officer, hospital medical operations officer, hospital adjutant, Commander of the 287th Medical Company (DS), Commander of the 455th Area Support Dental, Chief of Staff of the 804th Medical Brigade, Hospital Commander of the 405th Combat Support Hospital and Hospital Commander of the 399th Combat Support Hospital. He was activated to the 94th Regional Support Command in support of the New York City terrorist attacks in 2001. COL Young is currently a faculty instructor at the U.S. Army War College. He is a graduate of basic training, advanced individual infantry training, Air Assault School, the primary leadership development course, the infantry officer basic course, the medical officer basic course, the advanced medical officer course, the joint medical officer planning course, the company commander leadership course, the battalion/brigade commander leadership course, the U.S. Air War College (with academic honors), the U.S. Army War College and the U.S. Naval War College (with academic distinction).
Col Young holds a B.S. from Austin Peay State University and a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology (M.A.), a Master of Arts in Human Resources (M.A.), a Masters of Public Administration (MPA), a Certificate of Graduate Studies in School Psychology (CAGS), and a Doctor of Education in Educational Psychology (Ed.D.) from American International College. He finished a post-doctoral fellowship in clinical psychology and then earned a Master of Education in Educational Administration (M.Ed.) and a Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction (M.Ed.), also at American International College. COL Young completed individualized graduate studies in school counseling as well as a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Educational Administration (CAGS) at Westfield State College before obtaining a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Western New England College. He then earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Administration (PhD) from Union University before completing a post-doctoral Fellowship in Educational Administration, Senior Fellowship in Educational Administration, and an International Diplomate in Educational Administration at American International College. Superintendent South Hadley He also earned a Certificate of Graduate Studies in Counselor Education & Supervision through Union University and a Master of Strategic Studies from the U.S. Army War College. COL Young is currently completing a Post-Doctoral Program in Marriage and Family Therapy at Antioch University. As a a civilian, COL Young has served as a long-time psychologist, graduate professor, college administrator and superintendent of schools; and he has authored, co-authored, and/or co-authored/co-edited more than three dozen books, countless book chapters, and numerous articles on a wide array of diverse topics in education, psychology and leadership. Furthermore, he has co-authored five children’s books.
. COL Young received the Vice Admiral Hayward Award for Scholarship in 2018 as well as General Douglas McArthur's Leadership Award for distinguished leadership in both civilian and military positions at the Pentagon in 2002. He has received several civilian awards to include, but not limited to, being named the Massachusetts Superintendent of the Year in 2010; and being inducted into the Century 100 Club (top 100 educators in the country) by the American Association of School Administrators in 2017. His military decorations include the Legion of Merit, Meritorious Service Medal (with two oak leaf clusters), Army Commendation Medal (with five oak leaf clusters), Army Achievement Medal (with two oak leaf clusters), National Defense Service Medal, Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal (with silver hourglass), Army Service Ribbon, Army Reserve Components Oversees Training Ribbon (two awards), and the Air Assault Badge.
Colonel Nicholas Young is also the retired Superintendent of Schools in South Hadley, Massachusetts and lives with his wife, Dianne. They have two grown children together. The United States War College and the United States Army wish COL Young a long and healthy retirement with his loved ones.